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154: How To Build A Life

You walk yourself home and

repeat the names of the subway stops as you go.

You buy yourself a latte at the corner store

and try to remember the barista’s name.

You comment a dozen times a day on the weather,

because it’s forever changing.

You make sure you have a comfortable chair

for reading and sipping coffee.

You make an enormous pot of pasta for dinner,

which you eat by candlelight.

You call home and take photos as you go.

You introduce yourself to strangers

and pray yourself to sleep.

And if you do all of this a few times over,

sooner or later you will discover,

that the pieces of your life

that are falling into place.

The corner store is more familiar

than it was before.

Your walking shoes-

a little more broken in.

You are coming home.

You are finally here.

My what a gift it is to be alive.

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I'm Sarah (Are) Speed, the writer behind Writing The Good. I'm so honored you're here! To get more poems, follow @writingthegood on Facebook and Instagram! 

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